Selected Writings

Grossman, A. ‘Little Familiar Objects: Unfixing Taxonomies in the Ethnographic Museum Archive’, in Anthropology & Art (forthcoming). 

Grossman, A. and S. Kimball. ‘Involuntary Catalogue’, in Anthropology & Art (forthcoming).

Kimball, S. ‘Artist Statement’, in Anthropology & Art (forthcoming).

2022 Grossman, A. and S. Kimball. ‘Beyond the Edges of the Screen: Longing for the Physical “Spaces Between”’, in Anthropology in Action 28(3), 1-11. (Link)

2018 Grossman, A. ‘Stealing Sophie Calle’, in Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 43(1), 28-35. (Link)

2018 Kimball, S. ‘What Comes After the Letter?’, in Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 43(1), 41-43, (Link)

2018 Grossman, A. ‘I Do It for Artistic Reasons: In Conversation with Alyssa Grossman’, in L. Darbutaitė, J. Melander and L. Wilson (eds), Before the I. Gothenburg: Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg, 73-80. (PDF)

2017 Grossman, A. ‘Counter-Factual Provocations in the Ethnographic Archive’, in Oxford Artistic and Practice Based Research Platform 2, 126-138. (PDF)

2015 Grossman, A. ‘Forgotten Domestic Objects: Capturing Involuntary Memories in Post-communist Bucharest’, in Home Cultures: Journal of Architecture, Design and Domestic Space 12(3), 291-310. (PDF)

2014 Grossman, A. ‘Memory Objects, Memory Dialogues: Common-sense Experiments in Visual Anthropology’, in A. Schneider and C. Pasqualino (eds), Experimental Film and Anthropology. London: Bloomsbury, 131-145. (PDF)

2014 Grossman, A. ‘Recollections: Working with Objects from Communist Romania’, in Architecture, Photography, and the Contemporary Past. C. Caldenby, et al., eds. Stockholm: Art and Theory Publishing, 130-137. (PDF)

2009 Grossman, A. and S. Kimball. ‘The Memory Archive: Filmic Collaborations in Art and Anthropology’, in Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 9 (1), Fieldwork and Interdisciplinary Modes of Knowing. (PDF)